Word of Mouth Marketing

An Inbound Marketing Storytelling Strategy at Eastern Christian School

An Inbound Marketing Storytelling Strategy at Eastern Christian School

During the year, I have guided the leadership team of Eastern Christian School, in North Haledon, NJ, in their enrollment and marketing effort through my Enrollment Catalyst coaching program. I meet weekly with Tom Dykhouse, Dick Van Yperen and Gloria Tenewitz through video conference calls to help them implement our plan. As part of this […]

Putting the WOW into Your School’s WOM — Top 5 NYSAIS Websites

Putting the WOW into Your School’s WOM — Top 5 NYSAIS Websites

Last week I had the opportunity to present a keynote presentation at the NYSAIS Admissions Conference at the Mohonk Mountain House (see my Instagram account for pictures of this incredible place!). My presentation, entitled “Putting the WOW into your School’s WOM,” was recorded and is available on the NYSAIS website lifestream link (it was recorded […]

Putting the WOW into your School’s WOM

Putting the WOW into your School’s WOM

Today I am traveling to New York City. My wife, Janine, and I will be flying to LaGuardia Airport and then driving to the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, NY. I will be speaking at the NYSAIS Admissions Director Conference on Wednesday and Thursday. Then, on Friday I will be speaking at the ADVIS […]

Upcoming AISAP Webinar: “Telling Your School’s Story Online”

Upcoming AISAP Webinar: “Telling Your School’s Story Online”

Independent, private and faith-based schools don’t tell their story very well. I see it all the time. Websites look the same. Facebook pages focus on events and announcements. Stories should bring your school to life through your students, parents, faculty and alumni. This should be the purpose of your website and social media channels. After […]

The Passion Conversation and Your School

The Passion Conversation and Your School

As you think about your word of mouth marketing strategy, it is your goal to get your parents talking. Often, when we think about what we want them to talk about, we begin with the list of areas that stand out at our school and then try to get parents to regurgitate it to their […]

Two School Marketing Webinars

Two School Marketing Webinars

Interested in turning around a declining enrollment? Interested in using your admissions data to inform your word of mouth marketing strategy? In the past few months I presented webinars on these two very important topics. I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss these webinars and am sharing them with you in this blog post.

What Drives Word of Mouth at Your School?

What Drives Word of Mouth at Your School?

Some of the things I love about Southwest Airlines include their affordability, consistent experience, quality, no-change fees and outstanding service. I really like the numbered line-up process instead of how other airlines invite zones to crowd the front (I especially like it now that I am on their A-list and always get one of the […]

Blogging, Speaking and Helping Schools Grow

Blogging, Speaking and Helping Schools Grow

It’s hard to believe that we have already begun a new year. I really enjoyed 2013. I had some great family times (check out my Facebook page if you want to see what I did and make sure you add me as a friend!) with special trips with my wife, Janine, and my two boys, […]

A Christmas Lip-Dub at Harding Academy — An Interview with Allen Gillespie

A Christmas Lip-Dub at Harding Academy — An Interview with Allen Gillespie

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is behind us. And now, with just three weeks remaining, the rush is on for Christmas. In the Christmas spirit, I thought it would be timely to share a blog post about a Christmas lip dub entitled, Merry Christmas Memphis, that made a significant impact last year for Harding […]

12 Strategies to Keep Current Families Enrolled and Grow Your School {Free eBook}

12 Strategies to Keep Current Families Enrolled and Grow Your School {Free eBook}

The Big Dilemma When it comes to creating a coherent school marketing strategy, many schools struggle with where to begin. They want to boost enrollment, retain current families and encourage them to recommit to their school the following year. In other words, they want it all! But how do they get it? The Simple Solution […]
