October, 2011Archive for
The Importance of Signage in Marketing your School
I have been on many private school campuses. It always amazes me to find schools with poor signage along the road as well as directional signage on campus that fails to point the prospective parent to the main office and admissions office. In fact, just the other day, I visited a school and parked in […]
Ten Enrollment Strategies to Grow the Lower Grades
- rick.newberry@enrollmentcatalyst.com
- Blog,Enrollment,Marketing
One of the trends I have seen in the private schools I have talked to in the last several months is stagnate or declining enrollment in the lower grades. For some schools experiencing an increase in enrollment, this has mainly occurred in the middle and upper school grades. I would like to ask two questions about […]
Private School Marketing Lessons from a Restaurant on Captiva Island
- rick.newberry@enrollmentcatalyst.com
- Blog,Marketing,Word of Mouth Marketing
I am on a much-needed vacation this week with my wife, Janine. We are celebrating our anniversary on Captiva Island. The weather has been perfect. In fact, every night we have enjoyed a gorgeous sunset like the one you see in the picture. After traveling all throughout Florida, I think Captiva is the most beautiful […]