January, 2014Archive for

What Drives Word of Mouth at Your School?

What Drives Word of Mouth at Your School?

Some of the things I love about Southwest Airlines include their affordability, consistent experience, quality, no-change fees and outstanding service. I really like the numbered line-up process instead of how other airlines invite zones to crowd the front (I especially like it now that I am on their A-list and always get one of the […]

An Innovative Tuition and Financial Aid Strategy for Private Schools

An Innovative Tuition and Financial Aid Strategy for Private Schools

Ever since the economic recession, cost and affordability issues have been heightened in private, independent and faith-based schools. Last year I worked with over 30 schools, and in every case, whether the tuition was $4,000, $30,000 or somewhere in between, parents expressed concern about the rising cost of tuition and their ability to afford this […]

Expert Q&A: The Importance of SEO in School Marketing (Part I)

Expert Q&A: The Importance of SEO in School Marketing (Part I)

Often underestimated or ignored completely, I’ve found SEO to be a rather infamous topic of conversation when it comes to discussing marketing initiatives with my school clients. Yet, I find I cannot blame many schools for feeling the way that they do. After all, creating and implementing a comprehensive SEO strategy can be confusing and […]

Blogging, Speaking and Helping Schools Grow

Blogging, Speaking and Helping Schools Grow

It’s hard to believe that we have already begun a new year. I really enjoyed 2013. I had some great family times (check out my Facebook page if you want to see what I did and make sure you add me as a friend!) with special trips with my wife, Janine, and my two boys, […]
