Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School (AL)
In November, 2020, Dr. Rick Newberry began his Enrollment Catalyst Program with the team at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School in Alabama. Working with the team over his six month program, Rick was able to help them implement a plan to grow the school.
As a result, the enrollment increased by 10% from 707 to 778 students this past year.
Recently, Justin Castanza, President of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, shared his thoughts about working with Rick through his program.
Describe your school’s enrollment and marketing situation before you hired Rick Newberry and Enrollment Catalyst:
Our school operated off an underfunded marketing budget without clear direction and planning. We employed highly qualified staff that needed the support and direction to begin moving intentionally towards growing our enrollment.
Why did you decide to partner with Rick Newberry and Enrollment Catalyst?
We knew that Rick would bring the expertise of school enrollment marketing with an outside perspective to help Montgomery Catholic look beyond the present day toward a bright future. Sometimes it takes someone outside the organization to highlight what you are doing well, but also identify simple steps for immediate improvement and growth. Rick’s experience with countless work with schools just like ours made him the perfect person for the job.
What were the results of working with Enrollment Catalyst? What were your greatest achievements?
Within the first year of working with Rick Newberry and Enrollment Catalyst, Montgomery Catholic has launched a new website, partnered with SchoolAdmin, installed intentional and branded signage throughout our campuses, embraced social media marketing, developed marketing and admission annual plans, initiated a FAN program, launched a monthly video series called Partnering With Parents, and much more. Through these efforts, we have seen an increase in enrollment of nearly ten percent in one year, ending a six year slide in enrollment.
What did you like best about working with Rick Newberry?
Rick’s approach is incredibly thorough. He works with all constituents to create a comprehensive account of the school’s current efforts as well as opportunities for growth. The monthly meetings for guidance and direction are essential to keep our team focused and working step by step towards our attainable goals.
Describe specific programs from the Enrollment Catalyst Program that generated the biggest impact for your marketing and enrollment efforts:
The FAN program helped build camaraderie within our school community and built connections between our elementary campuses with the middle and high school.
What would you say to another school leader to recommend Rick Newberry to help them in their enrollment and marketing effort?
Do not let cost keep you from making the decision to work with Rick. Your school will be blessed and will grow in very specific ways. The growth will cover the costs with little effort.
For more information on the Enrollment Catalyst Program, please reach out to Rick at or view the Enrollment Catalyst website.