The Rashi School Selects Enrollment Catalyst

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Please welcome The Rashi School to the Enrollment Catalyst Program. The Rashi School is a K-8th grade independent school affiliated with the Reform Movement of Judaism. As a Jewish day school located in Dedham, MA (Boston metro area), the school enrolls over 300 students.

Enrollment Catalyst partners with Independent schools of all types and sizes. Rick Newberry first met Adrien Khelemsky, the director of admissions, at a conference several years ago. Rick will be working directly with Adrien.

The Enrollment Catalyst program will begin with a site visit on September 12-13, 2016. The site visit will include focus group meetings with parents, faculty, staff and leadership of the school. In addition, the site visit will give Rick the opportunity to provide a comprehensive assessment of their enrollment and marketing effort. As a result of the visit, a strategic enrollment and marketing plan will be developed.

Following the development of the plan, Rick will provide ongoing, weekly coaching with the enrollment and marketing team. This coaching will help provide accountability, continued direction and help with implementation of the plan.

For more information on the Enrollment Catalyst Program, please view the website or contact Rick directly at
