November, 2013Archive for

Re-Enrollment and Internal Marketing – An Interview with Alison Lescarbeau at Admiral Farragut Academy

Re-Enrollment and Internal Marketing – An Interview with Alison Lescarbeau at Admiral Farragut Academy

Several years ago I had the opportunity to connect with Alison Lescarbeau at a conference sponsored by Cherry+Company (my previous employer). Alison is the Advancement Director at Admiral Farragut Academy in St. Petersburg, FL. One of her “aha” moments came when she realized that her re-enrollment process should be used to internally market the school […]

12 Strategies to Keep Current Families Enrolled and Grow Your School {Free eBook}

12 Strategies to Keep Current Families Enrolled and Grow Your School {Free eBook}

The Big Dilemma When it comes to creating a coherent school marketing strategy, many schools struggle with where to begin. They want to boost enrollment, retain current families and encourage them to recommit to their school the following year. In other words, they want it all! But how do they get it? The Simple Solution […]
